Saturday, January 2, 2010

Rants of all Rants.

Y'know, I've been blogging for like 3 years. It's kinda tiring at times cause you have to keep your blog up to date, making sure it doesn't get rusty. Well, 2009 had been a pretty so-so year, don't cha think. What can I expect out of 2010? Maybe something totally extremely new. Like a new start, new life, new relationships, new personality. Hahas, I'm totally crapping out. Like pleaseeeee, how can I have a new life?!

I love cartoons and Rugrats is still one of my favs. While a cartoon, it provides an amazing insight into the psychology of both children, in the way the characters are depicted misunderstanding what they hear, usually by taking metaphors literally and speaking in malapropisms, and of adults, in the ways they react to child behaviour.

I remember watching a particular Rugrats episode where Tommy decided that clothing was optional. He would remove his nappy and t-shirt and run around proclaiming:

“Nakey is good! Nakey is free. Nakey is nakeeeeeeeeeeeey”.

Hahas, childlish & silly but still funny. It's amazing how time flies, from a kindergarten boy who used to watch Rugrats to a teenager who still loves watching Rugrats. Amazing, isn't it?


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