Monday, July 19, 2010

Unusual Rants

Life is Full of Surprises

It's been awhile since I did a post on this blog. I just remeber not long ago, I told myself I'll wait till I'm 17 or 18 before going into a relationship, who would ever guess that I'll go back on my word. I'm just like a reluctant school boy on a sunday afternoon, unwilling to go back and experience my boring life again. For those out there, here's a piece of advice. Let love find a way to you, not the opposite.

Bleh, I have a presentation going on tomorrow morning, although I hate presenting, I'm still going to do it eventually because nobody else is willing to, so might as well and get over with it. Life goes on, even though we may make mistakes in life, it still goes on and on and on, never ending.

Wanted to say a lot more to you, but due to time constrain, hais. Talk to you more in future alright? ILY:)


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